The residual risks identified during the security control assessment are evaluated and the decision is made to authorize the system to operate, deny its operation, or remediate the deficiencies. Associated documentation is prepared and/or updated depending on the authorization decision.

The plan of action and milestones, prepared for the authorizing official by the information system owner or the common control provider, is one of three key documents in the security authorization package and describes the specific tasks that are planned: (i) to correct any weaknesses or deficiencies in the security controls noted during the assessment; and (ii) to address the residual vulnerabilities in the information system. The plan of action and milestones identifies: (i) the tasks to be accomplished with a recommendation for completion either before or after information system implementation; (ii) the resources required to accomplish the tasks; (iii) any milestones in meeting the tasks; and (iv) the scheduled completion dates for the milestones. The plan of action and milestones is used by the authorizing official to monitor progress in correcting weaknesses or deficiencies noted during the security control assessment. All security weaknesses and deficiencies identified during the security control assessment are documented in the security assessment report to maintain an effective audit trail. Organizations develop specific plans of action and milestones based on the results of the security control assessment and in accordance with applicable laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, standards, guidance, or regulations. Plan of action and milestones entries are not required when weaknesses or deficiencies are remediated during the assessment or prior to the submission of the authorization package to the authorizing official.

The security authorization package contains: (i) the security plan; (ii) the security assessment report; and (iii) the plan of action and milestones. The information in these key documents is used by authorizing officials to make risk-based authorization decisions. For information systems inheriting common controls for specific security capabilities, the security authorization package for the common controls or a reference to such documentation is also included in the authorization package. When security controls are provided to an organization by an external provider (e.g., through contracts, interagency agreements, lines of business arrangements, licensing agreements, and/or supply chain arrangements), the organization ensures that the information needed for authorizing officials to make riskbased decisions, is made available by the provider.

The authorizing official or designated representative, in collaboration with the senior information security officer, assesses the information provided by the information system owner or common control provider regarding the current security state of the system or the common controls inherited by the system and the recommendations for addressing any residual risks. Risk assessments (either formal or informal) are employed at the discretion of the organization to provide needed information on threats, vulnerabilities, and potential impacts as well as the analyses for the risk mitigation recommendations. When making the final risk determination, the authorizing official or designated representative considers information obtained from the risk executive (function) and the information provided by the information system owner or common control provider in the security authorization package (i.e., security plan, security assessment report, and plan of action and milestones).