The security control assessment follows the approved plan, including defined procedures, to determine the effectiveness of the controls in meeting security requirements of the information system. The results are documented in the Security Assessment Report.

The security assessment plan provides the objectives for the security control assessment, a detailed roadmap of how to conduct such an assessment, and assessment procedures. The assessment plan reflects the type of assessment the organization is conducting (e.g., developmental testing and evaluation, independent verification and validation, assessments supporting security authorizations or reauthorizations, audits, continuous monitoring, assessments subsequent to remediation actions). Conducting security control assessments in parallel with the development/acquisition and implementation phases of the life cycle permits the identification of weaknesses and deficiencies early and provides the most cost-effective method for initiating corrective actions. Issues found during these assessments can be referred to authorizing officials for early resolution, as appropriate. The results of security control assessments carried out during system development and implementation can also be used (consistent with reuse criteria) during the security authorization process to avoid system fielding delays or costly repetition of assessments. The security assessment plan is reviewed and approved by appropriate organizational officials to ensure that the plan is consistent with the security objectives of the organization, employs state-of-the practice tools, techniques, procedures, and automation to support the concept of continuous monitoring and near real-time risk management, and is costeffective with regard to the resources allocated for the assessment. The purpose of the security assessment plan approval is two-fold: (i) to establish the appropriate expectations for the security control assessment; and (ii) to bound the level of effort for the security control assessment. An approved security assessment plan helps to ensure that an appropriate level of resources is applied toward determining security control effectiveness.